Money School 


Mischievous women

Sept. 29 - Oct. 20th 

Virtual Small Group program

Gain confidence and comfort around money!

Enrollment is OPEN for Money School for Mischievous Women!


A 4-week, small group intensive for women who want to feel more confident & comfortable around money. 


GROUP STARTS SEPT. 29, 20222>>> enrollment will be open until class is full!


In Money School, you’ll get everything you need to feel at ease:

✅ Asking for a raise

✅ Charging a sustainable rate for your services

✅ Discussing finances with your loved ones

✅ Deciding how much money you want & how you want to make it


You'll also see:

❇️ What creates stress around money- and how to dissolve it!

❇️ How to support your nervous system as you work on your money relationship

❇️ How to test if your money beliefs are getting the results you really want


More FABULOUSNESS about Money School: 

✳️ You’ll be in a COMMUNITY of women dealing with similar challenges

✳️ We’ll take a holistic approach to this conversation: considering the impact of our culture, family beliefs, neuroscience, and our personal experiences

✳️ You’ll start seeing what MONEY-EASE could look like for you and future generations


What’s not to love?! ♥️💙💜💚💛


If you are ALL IN, I’d be thrilled for you to join me and a small group of amazing women for this 4-week adventure!


Here are the details:

The cost is $100.

Live Coaching Calls on Zoom 

9:30-11:00 am PT 


Sept. 29th - October 20th (4 weeks)

All calls will be recorded and sent out to the class.




I can’t wait to help you transform your relationship with money!



I'm so excited to help more women feel empowered around money. 


When we, as women, feel comfortable talking about money, earning money, asking for money, and directing money, we change our lives AND the world. 


Most women haven't grown up feeling comfortable around money. 


But in my heart I believe it's 100% possible for EVERY woman to feel confident and capable about money. 


Join me and a small group of  kicka$$ women to dive deep into what's holding us back from money confidence and how it's POSSIBLE to have ease around money in ALL parts of our lives. 

But wait… 

how do I know

if I'm a

Mischievous Woman???

A Mischievous Woman is someone who…

❇️ question unspoken norms & rules.

❇️ embraces learning about “taboo” subjects- like MONEY.

❇️ questions her “cultural programing” of what’s good vs bad, right vs wrong, valuable vs not valuable…

❇️ wants more power and choice in her life

❇️ is curious, questioning,  & inquisitive.


A Mischievous Woman also wants to feel AT EASE around money!


Is that you??? 

If it is, then come join us in Money School!!!

ALSO, if you've ever thought…

I can't ask for a raise.


 I can't raise my prices.

I'm bad with money. 


Thinking about my finances makes me want to barf. 

I'll feel better once I don't have so much debt.


It's not really my money because my spouse earned it and I'm “just” the stay-at-home-parent.